Below are 3 Tips for the Best Ever Vacation with your family.
Experts say the average family spends almost $400 a day while on vacation. But agreeing, as a couple, on the amount to spend is no day at the beach! How do you decide the right amount for your personal, family budget?
Proposed vacation expenses and money decisions can cause frustration, painful tension, or fights, causing you to want a vacation from your vacation planning.
Consider these 3 things to plan a fight-free, get-away this year:
1. Consider all Money Personalities
Everyone has their own unique perspective on money. Understanding the motivations of each Money Personality helps you select a vacation everyone can enjoy. Take our FREE scientific & confidential online assessment to make sure you know your Primary and Secondary Money Personality.
- Saver – “If we go during the off-season is it cheaper?”
- Spender – “You can’t put a price on memories.”
- RiskTaker – “Let’s go somewhere totally different.”
- Security Seeker – “Everyone had a great time last year. Let’s just do that again.”
- Flyer – “Anywhere with room service is all right by me. Just tell me when to pack.”
2. Try a “staycation”
Stay at home and vacation. Turn off your phones, don’t worry about the mail, skip the to-do lists, and tell your friends you are on vacation. Treat yourself to tourist activities in your area, enjoy local parks, hit the movies, read a book, create theme meals, or break out a deck of cards. Staycations are a great way to make unforgettable family memories without breaking the bank.
3. Start planning now
Put your vacation on the calendar. Make a reservation. Arrange the time off from work. And start stashing the cash. If your vacation is on the calendar, you are more likely to make it happen. (Tweet this!) If you wait until that extra money just happens to show up, you may never go. This can be especially true for Savers who are often hesitant to spend large amounts of money. If you make plans now and start putting away a little money every week, your vacation becomes more affordable and more enjoyable!
How does your family honor your different Money Personalities when you plan your vacation? We’d love to hear about it on Facebook, Twitter, or at [email protected].
Taylor & Megan Kovar
The Money Couple