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Here is a little about us,
We now have 3 beautiful children, Kix, Kambry, and Kessly; teach a marriage Biblestudy at our church; and run our own business, Kovar Wealth Management.
Our heart is to heal and restore marriages. We want to do the same for you!

Dig into your finances
Our whole goal is to bring couples closer together not only in their marriages, but also within their finances as well. We have been working with married couples for 8 years and in the finance world since 2007.
No matter where you are in your financial journey, you have come to the right place. We are going to lay some good, basic, groud-work down for you. Regardless of if you and your spouse can’t see eye to eye on finances, they are hiding money from you, or you guys are synched up and ready to tackle your financials together, follow along and start gaining financial understanding and freedom.
Have you ever wondered why you don’t see eye-to-eye with your spouse about how you should allo-cate/spend your money? Well, the miscommunication most likely comes from having different Money Personalities. Want to learn more, or find out what you and your spouses Money Personality may be? Use this link to check it out.
After you find you and your spouses Money Personalities, make sure that you understand both of your Money Personalities and how they interact together. Do you share similarities or differences, how can you begin to compromise on money decisions moving forward?
Need help? Buy a copy of The 5 Money Personalities by Scott and Bethany Palmer
Financial Infidelity can be anything from hiding money from a spouse, having secret accounts, dishonest spending, hidden debt, and more. It is a huge issue that is coming to the surface finally. Want to see where you or your spouse measure on the Financial Infidelity Scale? Use this link to start!
Finding out if you have any financial infidelity in your relationship can cause massive change, in a good way. It’s okay if you have some, just don’t let it stay that way. Hiding money from your spouse, having secret accounts, etc. is never a good idea, so after you take the Financial Infidelity Scale be sure to put into place real obtainable steps to stop comminting financial adultery. You are on the right track, and once we get the ground-work laid you can start doing the work.
Do you enjoy podcasts? How about one that doesn’t steer clear of the hard topics, that doesn’t cookie cut it’s answers? Taylor Kovar, a Certified Financial Planner, and Jeremy Gilliam, a Certified Family and Marriage Therapist, come together to form a Marriage and Finance podcast, called The Millionaire Marriage.
When was the last time that you sat down and took a good inventory of what your finances look like? Now is as good a time as any. Here are some brief ideas on personal finance questions, so sit down, grab a piece of paper and start thinking about the following list.
1. Have you created an emergency fund?
We aren’t talking about that $50 you keep in your car in case your card doesn’t work at the gas pump. We mean a good lump sum of money that can help in situations that come out of left field. If you don’t have at the very least $1,500 set aside as your emergency fund, take some time to figure out how much money you may want in your fund and how often to contibute to it.
2. How many subscriptions do you have?
Subscriptions can be a blessing and a curse. Who wouldn’t want to pay $10/mo for their razors to bedelivered to their doorstep, taking out the trip to the store. But the thing is, sometimes we have subscriptions that we don’t even do anything with that are collecting paychecks from us monthly for doing no work for us. How often do you open “hulu” compared to “netflix”? Do you really need a apple music and spotify subscription? Can you change your plan to be cheaper, or to be a better deal if you upgrade? Take a look into where all you are subscribed to, and which subscriptions are getting your money for no reason.
3. Are you currently in debt?
This can be in any capacity: $500-$500,000 in debt. The best move you can do for yourself when you have debt is to stop your non-mandatory spending. This allows most of your money to be planned for whether it is in savings, credit card pay-off, or bills.
4. Do you have any retirement plans set into place?
The sooner you start saving for retirement the more opportunity you have to compound your money. Think of your retirement fund as an adult piggy bank that can multiply what you put into it. By the time you become the age to draw your retirement funds, you’d be surprised at what a couple years extra could end up yielding you in the end.
5. Can you live below your means?
We don’t mean you can only eat off of the McDonalds dollar menu, but stop spending 85% of your paycheck and only saving or allocating 15% to wealth building. When you start living needing less, then when you have acheived financial freedom and your goals, you will be able to live not only content but able to do more than you could before. Doing so also ensures you won’t live paycheck to paycheck.
That is just the tip of getting into your financials, but we wanted to start you down the right path. We have all kinds of resources that can keep this momentum going. Check out our blogs or purchase our “Shift Your Thinking: 14 Day Financial Course”. We step into the deeper waters with our course and we include useful worksheets for you to complete as you go through the days.