Financial Infidelity and How it Can Break up Trust in Marriage Handling money and marriage is often more complicated...
Money and Marriage: Why Financial Transparency Matters
Marriage Finances Are Always a Team Sport Marriage is a partnership that requires open communication and collaboration...
5 Ways To Recognize Financial Infidelity
How to Spot Financial Infidelity in a Relationship Are you 100% honest with your spouse about everything you spend and...
The Fine Line Between Financial Advisor and Couples Counselor
How to Approach Financial Counseling for Couples I view wealth through the lens of overall happiness. Which is to say,...
5 Ways to Rebuild After Financial Infidelity
5 Ways to Repair a Relationship After Financial Infidelity Is lying about money as bad as an affair? It can be. When...
3 Horrible Outcomes of Financial Dishonesty in Marriage
The Terrible Consequences of Financial Dishonesty in Marriage My mother loves to tell stories about how precocious I...
Micro-Cheating: What Is It? How does It Affect You?
Do Minor Financial Infidelities Add Up to a Big Deal? Micro-cheating. What is it? Is it wrong? Could you be...
HELP! My Spouse Won’t Stop Lying About Money!
How to Stop Financial Dishonesty in Your Marriage Stop lying about money. Statistics show that hiding, cheating, and...
Financial Infidelity. Rocks In The Jar.
It is our desire to save marriages ... lots of them. We can’t believe how many people think—when it comes to money—it...